COVID-19 & Virtual Lactation Consultations

Hello friends! Let’s chat about the coronavirus… COVID-19 has not been detected in breastmilk, but antibodies for it have been (human milk is pretty amazing!). Speak to your healthcare provider about breastfeeding if you have been exposed or actively have COVID-19. Continuing to breastfeed or giving baby expressed breastmilk will almost always be the rightContinue reading “COVID-19 & Virtual Lactation Consultations”

Breastfeeding during cold and flu season

The answer is almost always going to be “Yes, continue to breastfeed and offer breastmilk while you and/or baby are sick.” Human milk is amazing! It is constantly changing to meet baby’s needs, which can be especially helpful during cold and flu season. Your milk produces antibiodies as you and baby are exposed to newContinue reading “Breastfeeding during cold and flu season”

Travel On and Breastfeed

Before having children, we lived lightly and traveled frequently, always eager to get to the next place. Having children naturally changed this, but as we continued to explore and travel across the country to visit family when we could, I was happy to discover how easily breastfeeding fit into the journey. With a sling orContinue reading “Travel On and Breastfeed”